Should you go meat-free once a week?

Should you go meat-free once a week? - When countries become richer people switch to eating more meat. For many people cooking a meal means meat is the main ingredient. In poorer countries people eat less meat and more vegetables; but as they become richer meat becomes the main element in the meal and in China for example, people are now eating more and more meat.

In richer countries it is harder to find a balanced meal with lots of vegetables. In restaurants you often have to order a salad or a plate of vegetables as a side dish.

We all know that vegetables are good for us so why are we eating so much meat? One of the reasons why we like to include meat in our meals is that it’s the part of your meal that makes you feel the most full! We know that meat is good for us because it contains protein and we need protein to build and maintain muscles, organs, skin, and blood. Protein assists in energy metabolism and cell processes, and helps maintain immune function.

Protect your health: Eat less red meat

While it is important to eat meat for protein it is also vitally important to consume a wide variety of vegetables. We are advised to eat less meat and when the World Cancer Research Fund International reviewed the scientific literature on red meat intake and cancer, researchers found a link between high intake of red meat and cancer.

Animal welfare: Organic is the way to go

Animals need a lot of care and time to be reared to the point where they can be killed for meat whereas vegetables can be grown and re-grown again in months. Much of the cheaper meat comes from factory farms where there is a reliance on antibiotics to promote growth and stave off disease; animals are often crammed together and have poorer quality of life and are therefore more prone to stress and illness. Organic or free-range animals generally have a much better quality of life and are less likely to get diseases. Feed is also important and grass fed beef has higher levels of vitamins and antioxidants.

Why not take a meat free break!

It is worth thinking about giving meat a break for one day a week, decreasing overall meat consumption by about 15%. But if you take all the meat from your plate, what can you use to replace the missing protein? You can start by having yoghurt and milk on your cereal. A cheese or humus sandwich with salad for lunch. Nuts and seeds are easily sprinkled on a salad dish. Lentils are great in hearty soups. Vegetable lasagne is one of our family favorites and a great way to get children to eat vegetables as is vegetarian chili. ( )

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